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March 20, 2013 It's been three years now since I first started my own Family Web Site. This is my new version of the site is being built using "TNG" software (see link at the bottom) and uses a data base that will give visitors more interactive experience. You will be able to perform searches and choose to view information by looking at a person, tree, or even timelines. This will be a better place to share what I have found, and hopefully make it a lot easier for other people who would like to contribute information and images.

My two original family web sites are still available under the features heading on the right. The original Wisser Family Research Site still gives more information on Wisser’s who I have not been able to connect to my personal tree. If you are researching the Wisser name you will still want to visit that site.

Just like with my original sites it will take a little time to grow this one. While I have been able to import most of the research information, it will take me a while to add a lot of the images and documents I have been scanning over the last ten years.

Gary Wisser

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